[F1]Ferrari與FIA惹眾怒,非Ferrari陣營7支車隊聯合檄文,要求FIA公開調查報告 |
非採用Ferrari動力系統的F1車隊,亦即是McLaren、Mercedes-AMG、Racing Point、Red Bull、Renault、AlphaTauri以及Williams等7支隊伍,於歐洲時間3月4日罕見發出聯合聲明,要求FIA公布2019年對於Ferrari動力系統的調查報告,明確表達對於FIA與Ferrari針對調查報告達成保密協議的不滿,並表示不排除對此進行正式的法律行動。
| | Ferrari在2019年賽季的SF90賽車速度飛快,甚至曾出現後車開啟DRS仍未能追近,讓其他車隊對其動力系統合規性提出質疑。而FIA調查後將結果機密處理,引發眾怒。 |
此次公告的原因最主要是針對Ferrari在2019年賽季表現出超乎對手的強勁動力,甚至在比利時、義大利等高速賽道均拿下冠軍,讓其他車隊質疑Ferrari的動力系統以過量的機油消耗當成異種燃料,達成不增加正常燃油消耗下,提升動力的目標。有意思的是,在這個質疑在10月中旬被Red Bull正式提出之後,Ferrari賽車在賽道上的速度就不若之前那般優異,更進一步落實其他車隊對於Ferrari的指控與懷疑。迫使FIA在11月扣押了3套Ferrari生產的動力系統進行調查。而由於Ferrari車手Sebastian Vettel在受到質疑後,亦反擊質疑Honda動力系統的表現,因此同時間FIA也扣押了1套Honda的動力系統進行調查。
The FIA announces that, after thorough technical investigations, it has concluded its analysis of the operation of the Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 Power Unit and reached a settlement with the team. The specifics of the agreement will remain between the parties.
The FIA and Scuderia Ferrari have agreed to a number of technical commitments that will improve the monitoring of all Formula 1 Power Units for forthcoming championship seasons as well as assist the FIA in other regulatory duties in Formula 1 and in its research activities on carbon emissions and sustainable fuels.
由於所有的調查結果都僅有Ferrari與FIA兩造知情,其他車隊自然無法接受。Red Bull的顧問Helmut Marko更直言他建議車隊直接提告,因為Ferrari動力系統的優勢,讓其拿下年度第2名,Red Bull僅能居於第3位,其間利潤分紅差距達2,400萬美元。FIA的不公布將造成車隊實際損失,應直接以法律行動處理。
扣除Ferrari以及Alfa Romeo、Haas等3支Ferrari動力系統車隊,其他7支車隊對此達成協議,於3月4日正式發出聯合聲名稿。在聲名稿中表示,7隊對FIA的公告感到震驚。7隊認為FIA身為國際賽車規則的制定者,有責達到管理、整體性與透明度的最高標準。當時調查是在眾車隊質疑下才被動展開,最後竟與受調查的Ferrari車隊達成保密協調來結束調查,這是各車隊所無法認同並強烈抗議的。因此7隊公開要求完整並正確揭露調查結果,以確保F1對於所車隊與車手均是公平公正的對待。7隊亦是為了車迷、所有工作人員與F1的股東而提出這項要求。此外,7隊亦保留進行採取法律行動的權利。
| | 除了開幕站與閉幕站的紀念照,F1車隊與車手之間少見有如此大規模的跨隊聯合行動。 |
We, the undersigned teams, were surprised and shocked by the FIA’s statement of Friday 28 February regarding the conclusion of its investigation into the Scuderia Ferrari Formula 1 Power Unit.
An international sporting regulator has the responsibility to act with the highest standards of governance, integrity and transparency. After months of investigations that were undertaken by the FIA only following queries raised by other teams, we strongly object to the FIA reaching a confidential settlement agreement with Ferrari to conclude this matter.
Therefore, we hereby state publicly our shared commitment to pursue full and proper disclosure in this matter, to ensure that our sport treats all competitors fairly and equally. We do so on behalf of the fans, the participants and the stakeholders of Formula One.
In addition, we reserve our rights to seek legal redress, within the FIA’s due process and before the competent courts.
McLaren Racing Limited Mercedes-Benz Grand Prix Limited Racing Point UK Limited Red Bull Racing Limited Renault Sport Racing Limited Scuderia Alpha Tauri S.p.A. Williams Grand Prix Engineering Limited